Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Greatest of All

This is currently one of my favorite songs.  We have sung it at my church several times, and I find its message to be so powerful.  Have a listen: 

"The Greatest of All"

The greatest of all transactions
The costliest purchase price
Father, Your Son’s atoning death
Was given in payment for mine
To buy me back from slavery
To set me free from my chains

Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it
Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
Redeemed through Your infinite mercy
Your child forever I am

Now I’ll never know Your judgment
You ransomed and saved my soul
Jesus, Your death and Yours alone
Has canceled the debt that I owed
You satisfied the law’s demand
And new life’s been given to me

God is so very merciful and kind to have given Jesus for me.  I love the idea that God bought me back from slavery.  When I think of sin and how it has the power to enslave us if given a hold, I realize just how much I have been saved from.  I owed a debt because of my rebellion to a perfect God.  And only Jesus' death could have satisfied that debt.  

It truly is the greatest of all transactions.  

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Snowball

We've all heard the expression "When it rains, it pours."  With the threat of winter weather looming, I'm pondering snowballs and that cartoonish effect of them rolling down a mountain, growing larger and larger.  While funny in cartoons, it's not so funny when it's different things happening in your life that continue to pile up on top of each other.  

Funny how this comes on the heels of my New Year's purpose to complain less, encourage more.  The past few days have been filled with several dear friends facing various trials, much more severe than the car problem I am facing.  However, which of these was it that made me stomp through my house today, slamming my keys down?  Oh yes, a fleshly reaction to car problems, when the majority of the world doesn't even own a car.  It's so disheartening to see just how much I learn, and just how weak my flesh is.  

I have been in prayer for these friends of mine for the past few days, and it has been a sweet time to lean on God, knowing that He is listening.  Trusting in God's provision for me, however, is often not my strong suit.  I am a planner and I liked to know how things are going to work.  God knows this, and I think He takes time to make me stop and realize that it's not about MY plans.   

I'm a slow learner, but I have a very, very patient God.  And for that I am grateful.  

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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A List of Purposes

A new year has come and everyone is talking about it.  I have never done the whole New Year's resolution things.  I know how I am when things get busy--I don't always get everything done.  If I didn't keep my resolutions, I would be frustrated, annoyed, disappointed in myself.  So for me, New Year's resolutions are more detrimental than helpful.  There are some things that I want to accomplish this year, however.  As a reminder to myself throughout the year, I thought I'd post about them here.  Similar to a resolution, but I promise not to beat myself up if I don't do all these things perfectly.

Here they are, in no particular order.  What I hope to accomplish in 2011.

1) I am purposing to spend more time with the Lord this year.  This should be a goal for every year, I know, but I really want to press into Him this year and learn all that I can.  This season is ripe for growth, and I want to take full advantage of it.  I want to study more frequently, with greater duration, and in greater depth.  

2) Spend less unnecessary time on the computer.  I waste so much time on the internet it's ridiculous.  There are much better things I could be using my time for (such as pursuing goal number 1).  While this doesn't mean I want to abandon my internet musings permanently--and I certainly won't forsake you, my blog readers--I want to limit the amount of time I spend doing pointless things online.  

3) Read more books that are not required for school.  Last semester by the time things were winding down, I realized that I had not picked up a book for fun in 2 months.  This is highly unusual for the little girl who brought a book with her EVERYWHERE while growing up.  I'd like to make a dent in the books that are already on my shelf, including The Irresistible Revolution, Mere Christianity, and many more.  Often, I slack off on my deep reading outside of school because I just want to do something "fun."  I am purposing to read more and to enjoy it.

4) Cook more.  Lately I have become seriously enthralled with all things domestic.  Recipes, food processors, mixers--you name it, I love it.  I want to try lots of different recipes this year and experiment some.  Part of experimenting is being okay with things going wrong or not being perfect.  That's really hard for me, but it's something I am working on and by God's grace, I will overcome.  If you have any awesome recipes, let me know! :)

5) Complain less, encourage more.  It's 50 times easier to find something to complain about than to make up your mind to speak positive things.  I purpose this year to speak positive things and encourage others around me.  I believe that words are powerful and they can speak into a person's life, positively or negatively.  So, I plan on being more of a Pollyanna this year instead of a Debbie Downer.  :)

And that's what I'll be up to this year.  Right now, I'm just soaking in some down time and enjoying get togethers with family and friends before heading back to school.  Excited for what this new semester holds and for what will take place in this new year! 

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