Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Why I May Occasionally Burst into Song . . .

I just watched the Oprah episode about The Sound of Music, and I cried like a small child.  I cried because Julie Andrews is one of the classiest women I've ever seen.  I cried because she can no longer sing any more due to a botched surgery.  I cried because the grandchildren of the real von Trapps sang Edelweiss.  I cried because there's something magical about a group of people singing, dancing, and bringing joy to the world for 45 years.

I am an avid lover of musical theatre (and yes, I like the snobby spelling of "theatre" instead of "theater." Judge me.  I dare you. :) ).  If you've known me for longer than 5 minutes, you have probably figured this out.  I cry at every single production of a live musical that I've ever been to, whether it's a children's show, comedy or tragedy, whether I've seen it 16 times or one.  I find it to be such a powerful form of art that is indescribable in how it can connect with people.

I've been involved with theatre for about 17 years now--over 3/4 of my life.  It was clear that God really got me involved with theatre because it wasn't in my plan for me at all.  I've always been one with a plan, even at a young age.  I had my heart set on becoming a gymnast, and I knew just how to make this happen.  

By the time I reached kindergarten, I had been taking gymnastics for 3 or 4 years.  My coaches wanted me to move up to the next level, but that meant practice four times a week for one hour or two times a week for 2 hours.  I couldn't handle that--it simply made me too tired.  I remember Mom suggesting, "Hey, you like doing plays and stuff.  Why don't you try doing that Christian Youth Theatre that Leah does?"  (Leah still is a family friend and is also an amazing photographer. Check out her work here: Soul Fusion Photography ).  I started my first grade year with Spiritual Twist Productions/Christian Youth Theatre--check them out here: STP/CYT.  

Look how cute I was that first year:
I'm the little one in green sitting on the floor.  You know, the one whose bangs start at the crown of her head. And who looks like she's 7 going on 35.  Oh my.  Bless my heart.

Sorry, back to the point.  

CYT became majorly important in my life.  It was essentially my second home all throughout my growing-up years.  While other kids have their sports teams, I was developing my theatre family.  We practiced, performed, prayed, sang, danced, ate, laughed, and cried together.  I spent hours upon hours with these folks, especially during the final two "crunch weeks" before shows opened.  God brought so many amazing people into my life through CYT.  I have been mentored by the director, as well as made friends with some amazing people.  One of my favorite people in the whole world, Abbe and I met when we were 5 and 6 in CYT and have remained close ever since.  We share everything--including a brain--and it's so great to know that she'll always be there for me.  God provided an amazing group of friends who have truly shaped the person that I am today.  

I love the theatre, but I love CYT the best because it is theatre that does what I believe all the arts are intended to do--honor God, the ultimate Creator and Artist.  I am currently blessed to also work with Charlotte Christian Theatre Company, a group begun by a former CYT family who have relocated to the Charlotte area.  It is such a privilege to get to know these kids and work with them.  I hope that their friendships will grow, develop, and edify them just as my CYTers did for me.

I think the arts are a powerful medium, and I love them for that.  I am so blessed to be allowed to do what I love, but for a purpose that is so much bigger than a round of applause or the acclaim of man.  
Galatians 1:10 says, "For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ."  
My performances, my work as an assistant director, and my work with students are only done out of a desire to please an Audience of One. 

So, if you see me burst into the song, remember that I've got greasepaint in my veins and take it all in stride.  :)

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